Babies who are born pre-maturely with sings of respiratory distress with falling saturation, servere meconium aspiration syndrome,and babies who fail to recover post-opretively in case of Trachea-oesphageal fistula and diaphragmatic hernia are safely recovered after ventilation.PHOTO THERAPY UNIT
Physiological jaundice with high bilieubin value are exposed to phototherapy. It is also used of blood group + RH incompatibilities jaundice and septicaemic babies who have undergone exchange transfusion for rebound of rebound bilirubin value..WARMER
Any measure to resuscitate a baby without retaining temperature will be a failure .so the infant warmer
Babies are kept in a thermo neutral environment.
It also has adequate access to the baby who is critically ill. This has been provided with a servo controlled rediant warmer which maintains the baby in thermo neutral zone and phototherapy unit for treating jaundice.